
Produk – Produk Training :

Self Development

  1. Motivation Training
  2. Communication Skill
  3. High Impact Presentation
  4. Basic People Skill
  5. Emotional Quotient (Membangun Kecerdasan Emosi)
  6. Spiritual Quotient (Membangun Kecerdasan Spiritual)
  7. Character Building
  8. Service Excellence
  9. Self Development with NLP.


  1. Membangun Kepemimpinan Dalam Diri
  2. Leadership for Supervisor
  3. Effective Leadership
  4. NLP for Leadership

Life Management

  1. Giant Step to Success
  2. Secret of Happiness in Working (Rahasia Mencapai Kebahagiaan Dalam Bekerja)
  3. The Power of Postive Thingking
  4. Bahagia di Rumah, Bahagia di Kantor, Bahagia dimanapun
  5. Membangun Visi, Misi, Nilai Dalam Diri
  6. The Power of Dream & Goal Setting
  7. Problem Solving
  8. Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy Fundamental
  9. Quality Life with NLP

Change Management

  1. Konsep Dasar Perubahan
  2. Change Yourself, Change Others, Change The Other World
  3. Change Engagement (Mindset Change)
  4. Membangun Jejak Langkah Untuk Peradapan Manusia
  5. Change Behaviour with DISC Personality
  6. Change Process with NLP.

Human Resource Management

  1. Basic Human Resources Management
  2. Effective Report for Human Resource Management
  3. Administration, Operation & Strategic FUnciton for Human Resource Management
  4. Analisis Biaya Ketenagakerjaan Berdasarkan Status Karyawan
  5. Effective Recruitment & Selection
  6. DISC Personality for Recruitment & Selection.
  7. Train for Trainer
  8. NLP for Trainer
  9. Training Need Analisys
  10. Training Effectiveness Evaluation (5 Step Training Evaluation)
  11. Total Training Management
  12. Membangun Hubungan Industrial Yang Harmonis/

Gathering & Outbound

  1. Motivation Outbound / Gathering/
  2. Teamwork BUilding Outbound / Gathering
  3. Family Gathering
  4. Fun Games Outbound & Gathering
  5. Studeng Outbound & Gathering
  6. Leadership Outbound for Student.

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